Game Design:
Designing the Solution


After analyzing other games/mediums, holding in-depth conversations on the problem, and brainstorming, you should have identified a few top ideas that might work out. Now it's time to expand these ideas into designs. As stated earlier, ideas can't be part of the game until turned into mechanics, systems or rules.

How can we know which idea is best before understanding how each one will be integrated into the game? Instinct? Because one sounds cooler?

I've seen amazing ideas go to prototype that had major holes in how they interacted with other systems. These resulting prototypes can lead to weeks of wasted effort only to create bigger issues than they resolved. This step-designing the solution is what separates game design from ideation. When you begin the process of designing solutions you should follow three steps.

Ask yourself, “What problem am I trying to solve?"

Never forget that this is the number-one question to keep in mind when designing. It's surprisingly easy to lose sight of this goal and the other goals you've built.

Understand the complexity of what you're thinking of adding to the game.

Is this idea a rule, mechanic, or system and how will it interactwith the other rules mechanics, and systems that already exist in the game?

Again, the goal is to understand the idea's complexity and to identify the primary systems and mechanics the new design will interact with. Don't worry yet about all the secondary interactions that aren't related to the problem or your goals. It can take a while to fully design a feature and fill all the holes. We don't want to go too far until we've proven the main components of the design are successful via prototyping and testing.

Design the gameplay experience in a quick, easily presentable format.

This is where we finally plan how fantasy, mechanics, rules, systems, challenge and the player's goal all come together within our gameplay loops. Each designer will have their own approach in how to bring all of these together depending on their priorities and the focus of the game.

Every design must start somewhere. There is no wrong approach and the more we allow every designer to embrace their own perspective, the more success we'll see in the designs.